Airport runway American

A Statement of Unity

As fellow American Airlines pilots who have centuries of union leadership experience between us, we believe a merger between APA and ALPA will create a more effective trade union. A combined APA-ALPA will strengthen the pilot profession as a whole. A merger will also combine the best aspects of both associations to improve the governance of and advocacy for the pilots of American Airlines.

We urge the APA Board of Directors to pass the APA-ALPA Merger Committee Resolution. Start the process and give the pilots of American Airlines the opportunity to make an informed choice about their representation.

In unity,

Captain Dana Archibald
First Officer Lisa Ash
Captain Robert Baker
Captain Carl Battis
Captain Michael Bendett
First Officer Zachary Blackburn
First Officer Jason Boles
Captain Keith Bounds
First Officer William Boyd
First Officer Frederick Brown III
Captain Mark Burdick
Captain Ray Burkett
Captain Daniel F. Carey
First Officer Zack Cavanaugh
Captain Jesse Coeling
Captain Mark Culmo
Captain John Cutter
Captain Bradley Donner
Captain Robert Duma
Captain Thomas Duncan
Captain Fred Eccles
Captain Eric Edwards
Captain William T. Evans
Captain Hugh Fenwick
First Officer Andrew Fierro
First Officer Alex Fotopolous
Captain Thomas Frazer
First Officer James Funderburk
First Officer Timothy Garbat
Captain William Gary
First Officer Brian Ginn
Captain Casey Granger
First Officer Todd Gruber
Captain Anthony Gutierrez
Captain Daniel Hall
Captain R. Scott Heckenberger
Captain Donald Iorio
Captain Scott Iovine
First Officer John Jurik
First Officer Stephanie LaPierre
Captain Michael Larkin
Captain Brad Laslett
Captain James Lerum
First Officer Brandon Lighty
First Officer James Magee
First Officer Brian Maloney
Captain Kenneth Marczak
Captain Cooper Mathieson
Captain Michael McClellan
First Officer Jason McConnell
First Officer Scott McCormick
Captain John McIlvenna
Captain Sander Mertz
Captain Michael Milofsky
Captain (Retired) Doug Mowery
Captain Fred Mueller
Captain Andrew Nordgren
Captain Mark O'Grady
Captain Peter Oborski
First Officer Steven Pallai
Captain Richard Pitt
First Officer Phillip Plummer
First Officer Sam Pool
Captain David Powell
Captain Scott Quinn
First Officer Stephen Ramos
Captain Andrew Reitz
Captain Travis Ricks
Captain David Rintel
Captain Ivan Rivera
First Officer Neil Roghair
First Officer Brian Rosenstein
First Officer Adam Rutherford
Captain David Ryter
Captain Dan Scola
Captain Gregory Shayman
Captain Marcus Spiegel
Captain Mark Stanley
Captain Brian Sweep
Captain CJ Szmal
Captain Pam Torell
First Officer Gaston Valdovinos
Captain Mitch Vasin
Captain Jason Wingert
First Officer Patrick Zeller

Stay Informed!