Cockpit Conversations

Think the pilot group should be talking about an ALPA Merger while flying the line? So do we!

Fill out the Cockpit Conversations Form every time you finish flying with someone. We will use this information to drive future communications.

Cockpit Conversations Form

1. Download

These items are the critical to have ready to answer initial questions. 
Feel free to download more articles and resources from the articles section.

Cockpit Conversations Guide

This document is intended for any pilot to use as a helpful aid in introducing AA pilots to the concept of choice in representation, talking about ALPA, and addressing the concerns of the pilots you meet.

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QR Code

Screenshot this badge backer as the wallpaper and background on one of your electronic devices. If a pilot wants to access the website, simply have them point an electronic device with an internet connection at the QR code to sign up.

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The pilots of American Airlines need union representation with the resources worthy of the largest airline in the US. A merger between APA and ALPA will provide our elected union representatives with the training, tools, and support they need to successfully advocate for our pilots.

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Why a Merger with ALPA is Best

A merger into ALPA ensures AA pilots enjoy continuity of representation, a say in how we join ALPA, and the preservation of APA assets that will help us and ALPA meet the challenges ahead.

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Frequently Asked ALPA Questions

Since the APA-ALPA Merger Committee Resolution posted on the upcoming APA Board of Directors agenda, we have received a lot of great questions about ALPA, the merger process, and misconceptions about what joining ALPA would mean for our pilot group. We address them below. Please continue to bring questions to our attention as you think of them!

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YouTube Channel

We periodically post videos addressing current hot topics we are hearing while flying the line. Please leverage this content when having discussions with your fellow pilots!

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2. Introduce

Find a window of opportunity to discuss a merger with ALPA during your trip. 

Some tips that have anecdotally worked well from our team's experience:

- Have you heard about this ALPA effort that is currently going on?
- Have you heard about the APA-ALPA Merger Exploratory Committee?
- Other Airline contract agreements and ongoing membership votes
- Past, present, and future APA elections
- A pilot's flying background and/or airline of origin
- Current or past union work done by yourself or your fellow pilot

3. Discuss

Discuss the AA Pilots for ALPA effort starting with the cockpit conversations guide.

If the pilots is interested in hearing more, then sign them up for our mailing list.

Bear our Mission, Vision, and Guiding Principles in mind when having this discussion. We are not interested in denigrating anyone volunteering their time to work on our behalf.

If the pilot has a question on a topic we have already put articles together for:
- Send them to the articles section of this website
- Make them aware of our Q&A section for more detail on specific topics
- Email additional questions to [email protected]

If the pilot has a question on a topic we have not yet covered:
- Email us at [email protected] with the specific question
- We will endeavor to answer any questions that you send us in a timely manner

If the pilot is resistant to the idea of AA's pilot group re-joining ALPA:
- Listen to what their concerns are and take notes. Do not interrupt them or dismiss their concerns.
- If you are 100% sure you know how to address their concern, then discuss their hot button issues.
- If you do not know the answer to something, then DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ANSWER. Email us at [email protected].

If the pilot is unwilling to change their position after a couple attempts, then do not press the issue.

CAUTION: Do not allow union issues to interfere with good CRM and the safe operation of the aircraft while on your trip.

4. Sign Up

If a pilot is interested in hearing more information, even if they are not necessarily supportive of our effort, encourage them to sign up for our mailing list.

Some methods to have a pilot sign up for our mailing list:
- Direct them to visit and sign up
- Have them use their Electronic Device to open the website via the QR Code you have set as your Electronic Device's Wallpaper and Home Screen
- Airdrop the website home page to their Electronic Device and encourage them to sign up
- Ask them to write down their email and phone number and offer to sign them up yourself

5. Fill Out the Cockpit Conversations Form

Record your interaction using this Cockpit Conversations Form. We will use this information to adjust our future communications.

March 2023 Updates

Why a Merger Right Now?

Why Not Wait for a Contract First?

What is Taking So Long?

When Will the Pilots Decide?

How Can I Help?

How Can You Help?

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